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So you can have better relationships with yourself and others


Becoming Secure 

 With Carly Ann


Do you feel like you lack control over your mind, actions, and choices?

Are you living with  involuntary, all-consuming feelings that overwhelm you?

What if you knew the proven, research-backed ways to manage your relationship triggers?

Becoming Secure is a course that uses attachment science to help you become more secure in life & love. This course  supports students to understand, interrupt, and reshape common attachment patterns.

You’ll journey through four powerful phases that will shift how you show up in your relationships and move you towards secure attachment. We’ll start by uncovering the core issues holding you back, then work to change the thought patterns that have been keeping you stuck. From there, you’ll begin to heal the past hurts that still affect how you connect with others, all while building the inner confidence to feel more secure and at ease in your relationships.

By the end, you’ll be ready to step into a healthier, more fulfilling way of loving and being loved.



Anxious/Disorganised Attachment


You relate to getting anxiously attached very quickly - you are facing intense, painful anxiety in your relationship. For instance, if someone you’re dating doesn’t reply quickly, you might be overwhelmed with fear and start doubting their feelings for you. Next you're overreacting, becoming clingy or demanding, which you don't want because it pushes them away, but you can't help it! The struggle to manage your emotions is a constant issue and it's stopping you from having a relationship. 

Or imagine your partner is being quieter than usual, and you’re sure they’re upset with you. You feel on edge & can't concentrate, obsessively seeking reassurance or withdrawing emotionally. Again, you do know this isn't 'normal' but can't help it. It's creating tension and drives a wedge between you, making it impossible to connect in a healthy way. 

Anxious attachers lose themselves in love, this is your chance to reclaim & hold on to yourself






  • You get into states of panic and feel out of control when your anxious attachment is triggered
  • You become obsessed and all-consumed with thoughts about the person you like
  • You become overly attached on someone else for your happiness, worth, and even sense of safety (feeling OK!).
  • You feel rejected and unworthy easily - especially in comparison to someone's family, ex, or friends.
  • If the person you like is away or out of contact, you really lose yourself. Especially at night time.
  • You get triggered quickly & easily even when you know it's not worth it
  • You know a lot about attachment styles & self-soothing but struggling to regulate yourself in the moment
  • Jealousy and comparison is an issue for you in romantic relationships. You might have an obsession with a specific person (like an ex) or more generally (other women/men)
  • You struggle to control overthinking, analysing, investigating, ruminating, worrying etc
  • You feel like you can't enjoy when things are good because you become so distracted by your worry
  • You struggle to communicate; you might say what you want when drunk, as an outburst, or when things end.
  • You often get into relationships that come with the same issues, perhaps they are unavailable or you get bored/annoyed easily.
  • If you’re in a relationship your thoughts surround not being important, never being chosen, not being good enough, or them leaving
  • If you’re single your thoughts surround being alone, feeling different, never being chosen, and obsessing over and ex or someone new.
  • You still see yourself changing your plans or holding off to make them “just in case”

Past students of *Becoming Secure* reached a turning point where enough was enough. They were done with the frustration and ready to commit fully to the next 10 weeks. They stepped into the course driven, determined, and ready to embrace real change.



With determination & willingness, people have the power to break free from attachment issues and create real change.


In Becoming Secure, I support students to understand, interrupt, and reshape common attachment patterns.

Here is what past students are saying about the course:


Get Community Support


At the heart of our transformative course focused on healing attachment lies the profound significance of community support. With over 10 years of dedicated experience in delivering impactful group work, we've consistently witnessed the unexpected power of a supportive community. This journey isn't meant to be navigated alone; it thrives on shared experiences, empathetic connections, and the comfort of knowing you're not alone. Our robust community offers a safe haven where you can share, learn, and grow alongside others who are on a similar path. With access to our 24/7 chat, you'll never be far from a helping hand or a listening ear. Let this community uplift you, encourage you, and empower you to heal attachment wounds, fostering security and growth in unison.


Over 10 Weeks, we will journey through four phases.

With the aim being to address the roots of your attachment patterns, and reshape how you approach relationships.


1️⃣ First, you'll dive deep into your personal blueprint and history. We'll confront and heal old, painful patterns that have held you back, steering you toward more fulfilling and joyful relationships.

2️⃣ Next, we'll tackle the challenges you face in your daily life. From panic and overthinking to behaviors that don't align with who you are, we'll disrupt harmful attachment patterns and replace them with healthier thoughts and habits. Think, this is when we look at triggers, thoughts, big emotions, & acting out of character

3️⃣Then, we do the inner child work. We will use a combination of techniques to help you address hurt parts that are 'stuck' in the past and update how you respond to those old wounds. By connecting with these younger, vulnerable parts of yourself, we’ll gently heal the pain they’ve been carrying, allowing you to release outdated coping mechanisms. 

4️⃣ Finally, you'll focus on attracting the life and love you truly desire. You'll gain clarity on sustaining relationships and building a strong inner sense of security. This will empower you to take bold risks and live courageously in all areas of your life.

Crucially, we’ll uncover what has held you back from making lasting change until now.


Healing often happens through connection, not isolation. While our culture promotes a "DIY" approach, imagine the power of learning & healing with 10 weeks of guidance and support tailored to you.

When you sign up, Carly Ann will ask for your direct experience, and the course will then be delivered with YOUR story in mind!



I’m Carly Ann, and I’ve had the honour of helping thousands of women turn their lives around. If you’re struggling with anxious attachment and are ready for a change, know that real, lasting change is within your grasp.


In Becoming Secure, we’ll work together to tackle the thoughts that fuel your anxiety. You’ll learn to accept your emotions without letting them control you and develop practical skills to manage intense feelings. Through this process, you’ll gain the confidence and security you deserve in your relationships and within yourself.


If you’re eager to break free from the patterns that have been holding you back, I’m here to support you every step of the way. Let’s begin this journey to a more secure and fulfilling life together.


  • Stop Obsessing: Stop yourself constantly analysing and replaying scenarios in your head that aren't real and/or helpful
  • Manage Intense Panic & Anxiety: Master advanced psychotherapy techniques to effectively manage overwhelming anxiety and regain control.
  • Pause Before Reacting to Texts: When you receive a text from a partner or crush, take a moment to breathe and think before responding, instead of reacting impulsively or anxiously
  • Create a Response Plan: Develop a specific plan for how to handle situations where you feel insecure or anxious about a relationship
  • Reduce Checking Behaviours: Interrupt the pattern of constantly checking your phone, social media, and whether or not your partner still loves you
  • Limit Unnecessary Closeness: Avoid initiating excessive physical or emotional closeness as a way to cope with anxiety. Instead, focus on healthy and balanced interactions
  • Practice Direct Communication: When you feel insecure or anxious, know when it is best to express yourself directly and how to do that without seeming needy
  • Get out of a funk: When you get triggered, instead of feeling stuck in a mood and sulking, you can choose to re-engage and limit the issue from getting out of control
  • Let Go: Learn to let go & move on when you know you're overreacting
  • Have healthy relationships: Develop a nervous system and desire for secure, healthy relationships without doubting yourself or feeling the ick
  • Engage in Regular Self-Reflection: Allocate time each week to reflect on your attachment patterns and progress, noting any changes or improvements in how you handle anxiety
  • Process unprocessed pain & triggers: Using evidence based intervention to work through unprocessed grief and intense triggers



This 10-session course is designed specifically for those with anxious attachment, blending coaching and teaching to help you break old pattern and make lasting change.

Unlike traditional courses, this program is highly experiential, meaning you'll actively participate in psychological exercises during each session. These exercises are crafted to be practical and relevant, helping you apply them to your daily life so you can start to feel more secure and confident in your relationships right away.

Throughout the course, you'll learn to become your own coach, equipped with skills backed by the latest evidence-based psychological research. These include:

- CBT interventions to challenge and change the anxious thoughts and beliefs that often hold you back.
- Compassion Focused Therapy to heal those deep, painful wounds from your past and foster a kinder, more compassionate relationship with yourself.
- Imagery work to reconnect with and nurture your inner child, addressing the roots of your attachment style.
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to help you regulate overwhelming emotions and set meaningful, achievable goals for your relationships.

This course isn’t just about learning; it’s about experiencing real, lasting change. Every session is designed to give you tools you can immediately apply to your life, helping you move from anxious to secure attachment. If you're ready to stop feeling anxious in your relationships and start building the security you've always wanted, this course is for you.

We being on October 7th, you can attend sessions LIVE or catch up on replay.

Before each session, you will complete a questionnaire which will help us tailor session towards current attendees.


Goals & Blocks So Far

Session 1: Clarifying Your Path to Security

The journey begins by helping you get clear on your relationship goals and uncover the emotional blocks that have kept you stuck in anxious patterns. You’ll learn to set realistic, meaningful goals for yourself and your relationships, and identify the subconscious barriers that have prevented you from achieving them. This foundational work sets the stage for lasting change.


Managing Triggers & Anxiety

Sessions 2-: Reducing Anxiety and Reactive Behaviours

In this part, you’ll dive deep into the sources of your anxiety and learn how to manage the triggers that set it off. We’ll explore how negative thoughts, overthinking, and reactive behaviours can sabotage your relationships. You’ll be equipped with practical strategies to calm your mind, break the cycle of overthinking, and respond to triggers in a healthier, more secure way.


Inner Child Work & Healing the Past

Sessions 7-8: Healing Wounds and Processing Big Emotions

Here, we turn our focus to healing the deeper wounds from your past. You’ll engage in inner child work to address unprocessed emotions and the big reactions they often trigger in your adult relationships. This part of the program is crucial for releasing the pain of the past and creating space for a more secure attachment style to emerge.


Embodying Secure Attachment & Sustaining Long-Term Relationships

Sessions 9-10: Building and Sustaining Security in Your Long Term Relationships

The final part of the course guides you in embodying the principles of secure attachment. You’ll learn to recognise and cultivate green flags in relationships, understand your needs and how to communicate them effectively, and develop the skills necessary to sustain long-term, healthy relationships. By the end of these sessions, you’ll be well-equipped to maintain a balanced, interdependent connection with your partner while nurturing your own sense of self.




I've based the value so that it is less than 1:1. The course works out at around £70 per session.



Payment Plan Available Here

Join us from October to December and get ready to step into 2025 with newfound skills and confidence!


COURSE + 1:1


Payment Plan Available Here

Get 3x 1 hour private Coaching sessions included.

Join us from October to December and get ready to step into 2025 with newfound skills and confidence!



It IS possible to earn a secure attachment, self-soothe, and make better choices even if right now it feels like you have tried everything and still keep repeating patterns




I've based the value so that it is less than 1:1. The course works out at around £70 per session.



Payment Plan Available Here

Join us from October to December and get ready to step into 2025 with newfound skills and confidence!


COURSE + 1:1


Payment Plan Available Here

Get 3x 1 hour private Coaching sessions included.

Join us from October to December and get ready to step into 2025 with newfound skills and confidence!



This Course Can Help You:

  • Feel more confident in your ability to self-soothe and calm yourself down
  • Know how to communicate effectively with your anxious & avoidant patters
  • Use popular methods through an attachment lens, meaning you will heal rather than exasperate your patterns.
  • Reduce your tolerance for unavailable, crumby behaviour.
  • Feel more attracted to secure, healthy love without it triggering the ick or boredom.
  • Be able to pause before you react, withdraw, communicate, or get angry.
  • Be more willing to go through the uncertainty of dating, putting yourself out there, and hard conversations
  • Able to feel OK and neutral when you are in a season of life when things are unclear and unsure
  • Tap into a state of gratitude, happiness, and expansiveness because you deserve it
  • Experience rejection without slipping into a dark hole of despair & anxiety
  • Listen and accept “criticism” without getting defensive, worried, or angry
  • Stay centred when you are away from your partner or you feel like you desperately need someone (and they are not available).
  • Improve your self-esteem and manifest a secure relationship with yourself
  • Move from insecure to secure attachment, we know it can be done!



In Becoming Secure, you’ll learn how to understand, interrupt, and reshape your attachment style using six evidence based skills!




  • Evidence-Based Approach: This course is grounded in the latest research and proven interventions, ensuring you receive the most effective tools.

  • Expert Guidance: Your host, Carly Ann, is more than just a coach. With a Psychology degree and extensive experience in mental health, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioural therapy, she’s worked in world-renowned hospitals, major London prisons, and the NHS.

  • Inside Knowledge: Carly Ann doesn’t hold back. She shares the secrets therapists use, giving you access to what truly works—and why some tools don’t.

  • Specialised Training: In addition to her expertise, Carly Ann has trained in attachment somatic therapy with some of the world’s leading attachment experts.

  • Personal Experience: Carly Ann knows firsthand the struggles of anxious attachment. Having grown up in a troubled home and battled severe attachment issues until her early 30s, she’s walked the path you’re on. She’s transformed her own life from painful, unavailable relationships to feeling secure and starting a family after six years of healing.

  • Addressing What’s Held You Back: Carly Ann understands that you might feel like you’ve tried everything. On this course, you’ll explore what hasn’t worked for you so far and uncover the common reasons people struggle to believe in new thoughts and maintain healthy habits.

  • Personalised Feedback: Before each module, Carly Ann will review your personal experiences and tailor the content to address your unique challenges, ensuring that what you learn is directly applicable to your life.





I've based the value so that it is less than 1:1. The course works out at around £70 per session.



Payment Plan Available Here

Join us from October to December and get ready to step into 2025 with newfound skills and confidence!


COURSE + 1:1


Payment Plan Available Here

Get 3x 1 hour private Coaching sessions included.

Join us from October to December and get ready to step into 2025 with newfound skills and confidence!